Friday, July 6, 2012

Counting the Days till the (grand)Boy's Arrival 

Name Still Under Wraps

Travel mode is definitely upon the (grand)man. His communications to the couple-in-waiting have picked up frequency, even as I tell him in the background that they are well aware of  the due date, and also that the baby has not decided to come, just yet. the (grand)man now has several sequential pairs of hotel reservations advancing to the outer limit of what he feels will be the baby’s arrival. This is good, though, as it gives him something to do. He is in charge of tracking these and canceling the right ones in the timeframe allowed. 
Today we have workmen felling a couple of trees in our yard, and an electrician coming to finish up some lighting in the den. This seems to be a likely time for baby to come, but he may not have a calendar on hand to note that he now is right between the two due dates that had been projected.  
Besides, if he were going for inconvenience, he would have opted for the power outage during the recent record-breaking heatwave, wouldn’t he? Of course, my phone weather application  suggests that the high for Saturday in the baby's city is forecast to be over 100 degrees. 
Boy, oh Boy! When that phone call comes, though, won’t we both be ready?

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