Tuesday, September 1, 2020

TGIF .... Thank Goodness Its FRYday....

STIR fry, that is.   Originally written while in Japan ... May 2010

In  a stir fry production, meat becomes a supporting cast member without insisting on being center stage. Meat in stir fry is a flavoring agent, like onion or garlic. In the example below I did not use tofu, but tofu would have been a nice addition. You can suit your taste, and choose your favorites in vegetables, meats, sauces.

Once I read that stir fry was a the poor man's cooking method. It requires so little in the way of meat, or oil for that matter...even fuel, since it is quickly cooked. So, for penny OR "yen"ny pinching, it's an excellent choice.

Day 1 Stir Fry

Burdock, carrots, red onion, green pepper in a small amount of oil over medium high flame,

then push to the side and add beef (or meat of choice) and cook till done; 

Rule of thumb is to start cooking the root vegetables, or ones that tend to need a little more time first, then add thin sliced meat, Cooking at med high heat, with a sprinkling of salt substitute and pepper.

Stack in bean sprouts and cook till they start to become translucent;

add in the rest (mushrooms, peapods, red cabbage, and minced garlic)...or your choice of quick cooking veggies

 and that's almost it!

Sauce on the side, a plate full of  rice,
Tomorrow's leftovers will also be nice!

Day 2 Stir Re-fry!

This part is easy, and quick as a wink.
Fry two cups rice in small amount of oil till it begins browning, 
beat two eggs and cook that till done,
Now stir in the stir-fry leftovers,
heating through. Serve with sauce of choice.
 We do these stir fries with minimal seasoning. If you want to make your stir fry taste more like Japanese cooking, you could add a tablespoon or so of soy sauce, a teaspoon or so of sugar, and maybe some rice wine vinegar to the meat, letting it soak while you cook the root vegetables. If you cannot find burdock, you might use lotus root, or bamboo shoots. Larger food stores will have an Asia Foods section with canned bamboo, if you cannot find it fresh.
What are your favorite stir fry combos? Any "must have"s?  If we don't have an onion, stir fry falls right off the options list.

Chicken Enchiladas

It might be difficult to imagine a less appetizing appearing food than Chicken Enchiladas unadorned. Well... enough said about that. 

These were prepared using a web-found recipe. In an attempt to dress them up a bit I used one of those small snacking sweet peppers that are showing up in the produce section of late, along with the usual spring onion snippings. 

There's really nothing more to say about this beyond the fact that I always put off making this meal because I think it will be too involved. And I always think, once it's in the oven, it was not really difficult at all. It's a great company coming meal, but is also nice for just the two of us... providing leftovers and freezables.