Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Gotta Wonder What a Trillionaire Would Eat

Something about October days...even those that manage to climb into the lowest of low 90's,...makes me think of hearty soups. So, I was game to try this one found on the web site earlier this week: Billionaire's Franks and Beans. This turned out well for us, and it was also a test run for Oscar Myer Select hot dogs, which were on special today. (Yay!)  Now, in the original recipe the veggies included a poblano chili  and fresh cayenne peppers. Since I could find no comments about how much heat that would entail, I opted to substitute green and red bell peppers for those. Likely that was enough for recipe purists to say I didn't really try that recipe. Everything else, though, was done just as Chef John, whose recipe it is, directed. In fact, we enjoyed ours with buttered toast, as he suggested in his accompanying how-to video. This was good. It was not fabulous, but for beanie was very good. The hubs actually dipped up a second bowlful. I'll check the bank account tomorrow to see if this had any magically positive effect there, but I imagine that title is just for fun.