Monday, June 8, 2020

Millennial Meatballs

Okay. By now does that sound futuristic or passe? The title comes from the fact that the recipe herein came from my daughter's Home Ec class back in the Y2K scare era. It is very basic, and fine as a stand alone meatball. I'm sure it could be used with various sauces to suit a wide array of purposes. So, here you go, straight from my "Let's Cooking With Mom" cookbook: 

Notice the smaller, boxed ingredient list is for two pounds of meat, while the lower listing is for only one pound. One pound's worth is plenty for leftovers around here, these days, but it is nice to have the math already done... speaking for myself.

Oh! I used up some soon-to-expire yogurt making these the other night. Just did an equal amount substitution for the milk listed.

Recycling the photo below, but those are the meatballs from the same night I made the squash salad, so... there you go.